Monday, April 5, 2010

5 months since graduation, but the learning never stops... Continued, 23 months after graduation.

Original Post:

And since subbing at sweet Early Learning Center:
  • become frustrated with lack of grown opportunities and being underutilized and, in general, get bored
  • halfheartedly search for other jobs in Early Childhood Ed
  • accidentally find one that seems awesome and pays *relatively* well
  • learn that I was right in the first place about not wanting to teach.
I still love the kids, don't get me wrong. But teaching isn't the right avenue for me. At this point, I'm still not really sure. Early Intervention? Maybe. But maybe not. All I know is I have to be in a position to truly help children that genuinely need it, and smaller groups are definitely more my style. Also, I have found that I really need to be surrounded by people who are as devoted to what they're doing as I am. I have a ton of energy for what I do, but I can't sustain it unless I can feed off the positive energy of those around me. If those around me are only neutral about what they're doing, it's no good.

So off I go again, to the next stop on this journey called life.

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